Thursday, January 17, 2008

Trash Pants Explained

Everyone wears pants, and everyone can relate to the plight of the trash pants.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Sweet Zombie Jesus! Look what I found!

I'm going to be rich! Or not.

Anywho....What I really discovered was...
....a concept sketch I did a few years ago while still stuck in engineering for a iPod dock and stereo on my hard drive. It was for the only class I ever enjoyed in mechanical engineering, a manufacturing and design class. We actually team designed these iPod docks and then prototyped them using SolidWorks (an engineering design program, that I'll probably still use in industrial design, it's really powerful). Then of course, we actually used CNC machines to make them. It was really interesting, but a pain at the same time. Lots and lots of time was poured into this iPod stereo dock. And we didn't even use my (two) designs. My group members (the idiots) settled on the easiest one to make.

If I remember correctly, the dock was supposed to be compact for easy transport and above all, cool looking, not boxy like so many are. We settled on one that looked like a football cut point to point. Heck, we even painted the stupid thing to look like a football. It was a terrible design. We got a C and were lucky to get it actually. The abomination of good design is below.

Fugly iPod Dock

My concept sketch was included in the full proposal for manufacturing paper we created (47 pages!). I luckily still had a copy on my hard drive. I'm thinking it would be interesting to expand on this design as I am interested in consumer product design. Anyway, the image of my sketch is below.

The whole design was a shell with the speakers which, when closed, encased the ipod, the dock, and the remote. But when you opened it by sliding the two shells apart form each other 'till they stopped and then rotating them out and open, you had an interesting to look at fully functional portable iPod stereo. You could even leave the iPod on the dock, close the shell and there were little slots on each side for the iPod to slide into, thus storing and protecting your design for travel! God, it was amazing. The jerks thought it would be to hard to make. Well yeah, it would have been tough, but we would have an A if we succeeded and an amazing prototype. But no. We went with the football design from Captain Jock Itch (he was a lacrosse player).

My other design, the iBall, as I dubbed it.

As you can see, both my designs were certainly pretty cool looking and couldn't be further from boxy.

I think I'll make a fine industrial designer someday.

Anyway, thanks for reading, feel free to comment.

Holy Moley! 3 posts in one day! I am SUPER POSTING MAN! Cower in fear as you read my posts!

Compositional Units

So my first project for TMP II is done. It's pretty much a class on graphic design, which I never really had any experience with before, but I rather enjoy.

We had 4 different studies for this project, all dealing with arrangement of 10 rectangles and or squares. We're learning about the illusion of space, texture, composition and balance, proximity, and unity. Also big was the dynamics of figure and ground.

Study 1 was all black blocks and study 2 was blue, red, black, yellow, or white blocks. Study 3 was blocks of text (newspaper or the like) and study 4 was blocks from pictures. A few posts down I put up my first thing I did in this class, it was my first iteration of study 1. I like my new one better. They're all below.

Study 1 Black Blocks

I designed this to look like the equalizer in iTunes (the bars that jump up and down correlating to your music that is currently playing, don't know if I've got the right name for it).

Study 2 Color Blocks
This was designed to be symmetrical down the diagonal while giving the illusion that the horizontal center of the picture plane is further away than the top and bottom edges. I did this by fading the colors closer the middle on the bottom set of bars and sharpening the colors going away from the middle on the top set of bars. And of course, closer to the center of the picture, the bars are shorter.

Study 3 Text
This was a surprisingly fun study to do. I had a great time searching for things like old newspaper clippings on Google and messing with their colors and saturations. I tried to make it look like the top of the picture plane was further away from the bottom by arranging smaller blocks on top and lighter colors to contrast the heavy, thick blocks on the bottom pulling the arrangement down to the base.

Study 4 Photo Blocks

So in the 4th study, I was trying to use several different pictures cropped out of loosely related photos. I had this one of Audrey Hepburn that I was using, it dawned on me to cut that one up into the 10 squares. I arranged them so. I really like this one. It's my favorite of the 4, and not just because I like Audrey Hepburn. How it is still one congruous photo because of the organization of the blocks, but each column dosen't give all the info needed to discern what is going on is really pleasing to my brain.

You know I once read that most blogs have one reader. Thanks Mom. Knew I could count on you.

Anyway, thanks for reading (Mom). Please feel free to leave comments.

What are pants anyway?

I can't sleep because of pants. I can't sleep because all I can think about is pants. Why pants?
Why did I decided to make pants? Hell, I don't know. I decided to make pants because when this was all announced*, I thought, "PANTS!" It's that simple.

I've got the context and the form but not the concept. No concept of why pants. (I wanted to tell my prof, John Marshall, well why not pants! But that wasn't a good answer. But it would have been funny.)


Well at least I finally downloaded some Tegan & Sara. I heard "Back Into Your Head" on the radio once or twice and finally got some of their stuff. Great stuff.
I think I like chick rock. Oh well. It's really catchy. Check out their myspace to hear some stuff.

*the project is for CFC (concept, form, and context) II. It involves a larger than life add on to your body, made out of more or less, trash and recyclables. I'll detail my plans more thoroughly later when they are finalized.

I'm going to bed now, I needed to vent on PAAAANNNNTTTSSSSSS!!!!! Thank you for reading!
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