Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Bending Ply Has Landed!

So, as I start to type this, I've realized I have not posted a thing about Making Furniture! So, here we go then!

The class started with lots of tutorials on how to use wood chisels, make traditional joints, make models and cut stuff with japanese saws. After this requisite training part, we're getting to have some fun. We're working on our first projects now, which oddly are our midterms projects.

We are making stools or tables that fit in a 18" x 18" box. It's interesting to see all the different ways classmates are taking, but I'm working on creating a collapsable chair held together by friction fits and magnets. Below is my cardboard sketch model of the chair when in its up configuration.
The back will be only 4 inches tall, really more of a way to keep you from sliding off the back. The legs and back all remove and then snap together and to the seat base by embeded magnets. The seat and back are going to be made from some super nice plywood with the magnets embeded through CNC machining of space for them. I am embedding some aluminum stock with drilled with holes in the seat and back for a metal accent. The top and bottom of both the seat back and seat bottom will be covered with a light colored Maple veneer.

The legs will be made from bending plywood and covered with the same light colored Maple veneer.

The aluminum stock.

The maple veneer.

My sheet of bending ply!

Installation Project

So, we're almost done with project 4. We've had two weeks on this project and it's is incredibly open ended, well kinda. The project is,

This exercise prompts you to propose, develop, deconstruct and implement an idea based on the principles of an interactive, heliotropic smartsurface. The smartsurface concept should constitute a set of functionalities that otherwise exist in 3-dimensional space, collapsed into an ostensibly 2-dimensional space, thereby gaining additional functionality and/or appeal.

The example in class of a ostensibly 2-d surface that is really 3-d was the iPhone. Lots of different layers go into the screen of that device, but they are squished together to create what it for most intents, 2-d.

Well, our group, and and other groups I believe, have taken this project and pretty much run with it. Our group is making an installation piece. Basically, there are a field of human size cubes in an open area. The cubes are lined with acrylic and LED's that are turned on by a heat sensitive motion sensor. As you move by the LEDs light up and fade as you move away. As you move through the field the trail of light follows you. The interaction with the lights changes as other people move through the field with you.

So basically, we stuffed the iPhone and made an art piece. Sweet!

I'm sorry, I don't have a single picture to share currently, my little point and shoot camera has basically gone from being on the fritz to officially freaking out and not working. Since I don't carry my big DSLR around with me, I don't have any pictures...yet.

So stay tuned! Pictures to follow!

In all honesty, it's been a very frustrating and trying one and a half weeks with the current group and I'll be happy to be done with this project, we don't seem to work extremely well together and we have some stubborn group members and we have been butting heads. It's been interesting.

Thanks for reading!

Extension Cord Lamp

Just wanted to show this, I found it on Core 77 and loved it! I wish I had thought of this!

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