Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Semester From Hell

Well grades are rolling in one by one. So far I've got a B, a B+ and a Pass. I'm waiting for my last two classes. 

My sophomore review went pretty well, Ed West (a professor) only called me lazy 3 times, he has a bit of a rep for being a jerk and he lived up to it. I'll update on that when I get all my grades back and give a big semester run down. I'm so relieved to be done with that semester, it was really hell and shall from here on be referred to as the "Semester From Hell". Yep, crafted by the devil himself (OK, maybe not that bad, but I didn't sleep much that's for sure). 

On a good note, I'm done with the CFC series! They are a poorly conceived series of classes on Concept, Form and Context. Michigan could do so much with these classes, but really squanders the opportunity. Like so much at Michigan, your experience with a course is so heavily biased by which professor you get, each one runs what is supposed to be the same course, differently by section. It's really just luck if you get a good section. I got a good one for CFC 3, and that made the class better, but these classes  could be so much more! 

I am back home at my parents now (Grand Rapids, Mi) and working at Terra Trike again for a few months before the wedding on June 19th. It's really nice to be back, I can ride my bike, see my fiancee (the best part by far), and not constantly think about school. 

Thanks for reading!
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