Sunday, March 22, 2009

Heeere Mousey Mousey!

In designer bootcamp we are making humane mouse traps. Pretty much having fun with simple mechanics and physics to catch mice!

We are limited on our materials and systems we could use to: bass wood, acrylic/polystyrene, gravity, magnets, elasticity, and wire forming. Also, the simpler the better.

I designed mine using the simple principle of a trap door. All the mouse has to do is walk to the cheese and he is caught! The doors flip over and the doors latch against each other so the mouse can't push his way out. Some people had these rather complicated designs where it was dubious to think the mouse would actually even set off the trap.

This is my first model, after presenting it to the class last week I'm changing the trap doors to lay closer to flat to the top surface and be easier to trip when the mouse walks on them, adding a small door on the side ramps to let the mouse out once you've caught him and improving the graphics.

The new exit door.

I'm showing it on Tuesday with the improvements. Hopefully Shaun will bring some real mice and we can test these suckers out!

Thanks for reading!
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